

NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate - Block Course

NEBOSH state that around two thirds of health and safety management positions at work also feature responsibility for environmental management, especially with the growing importance of holding a recognised and respected environmental management qualification for workplaces. This Qualification is designed to be globally relevant and recognised to benefit all workplaces and industry sectors seeking to implement effective and continuous environmental management systems. While also reducing and avoiding negative environmental impacts, litigation and prosecution.

This Course is Delivered as a Block over 5 Consecutive Days, with the EMC1 Examination the following week.

Course Details

Course Duration: 5 days

£895.00 +vat

Google Reviews 5 Stars.

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Google Reviews 5 Stars.


Q1TUM are proud to be an accredited NEBOSH Gold Learner Partner. This accreditation means our NEBOSH course materials, trainers, modern convenient training facilities and learning environments are awarded with excellence. All Students will benefit from high quality tuition from expert and experienced Trainers, and constant support and guidance throughout and after the course. Q1tum have achieved to make the NEBOSH Courses both interactive and fun whilst at the same time achieving impressive pass rates.

Course Objectives

This course covers the following topics:

  • The course covers the practical issues of managing environmental risk in liaise with national and  international industry standards. Enabling Students the ability to justify, identify and recognise which workplace activities may be subject to environmental management, legislation or enforcement.
  • Understand the importance of Environmental Management Systems and Impact Assessments. Such as reducing and avoiding environmental harm;  noise, air, and water pollution; and provide suitable control measures.
  • How to plan for, support and deal with environmental emergencies.
  • Understand pros and cons of sources and use of energy and energy efficiency.
  • Justify environmental management in the workplace , linking these to wider environmental issues including sustainable development
  • Understand the requirements of an environmental management system, in regards to ethical, legal and financial matters, relating to wider environmental issues and sustainable development.

Course Units

Environmental Management (EMC1)

  • Element 1 – Foundations in environmental management
  • Element 2 – Environmental management systems
  • Element 3 – Assessing environmental aspects and impacts
  • Element 4 – Planning for and dealing with environmental emergencies

Practical Application – Assessing Environmental Aspects & Associates Impacts (EMC2)

  • Element 5 – Controls of emissions to air
  • Element 6 – Control of environmental noise
  • Element 7 – Control of contamination of water resources
  • Element 8 – Control of waste and land use
  • Element 9 – Sources and use of energy and energy efficiency

Who should attend?

Managers, supervisors and employees who have a responsibility for managing environmental issues as part of their day to day duties. This Environmental Management course is also suitable for those wishing to pursue, advance and develop their career in environmental management.

How is the course assessed?

Students are assessed through a two-step assessment process:

  1. EMC1 – An Open Book Examination (OBE) where Delegates will have 24 hours to complete the Examination – This is done so online from the comfort of the students on home or workplace. Students can also complete the examination from the Q1tum Training Facilities with their own laptop etc. if this is preferred. (further information will be provided on
    commencement of the course).
  2. EMC2 – A Practical Environmental Practical Assessment. This Practical assessment requires Students to apply their learning to a workplace of their choice. Students are to submit the assessment 10 Working Days from the EMC1 Examination.

How long is the course?

Q1tum Classroom based courses at the Renishaw Hall & Gardens training facilities begin at 9.30am and finishes at 4.30pm.

This Environmental Management Course is delivered over 5 Consecutive Days, until the EMC1 Examination.

What are the benefits to taking this course?

All Students will gain the knowledge and skills to work within an environmental management system and contribute to continual improvement, support decision-making and contribute to their organisation’s environmental performance to reduce harm and provide effective control measures. Students will also achieve a Level 3 Qualification and NEBOSH Certification.

Employers with gain a positive and strengthened reputation by implementing a NEBOSH Environmental qualified employee as it demonstrates their commitment to environmental management and environmentally friendly workplace practices. Enabling a employee who understands the environmental expectations of the organisation from the general population, local community and pressure groups. Representing the workplace takes environmental matters seriously, benefitting them to new business, better access to capital and lower insurance premiums.

How much does the course cost?

This course costs £895 +VAT. (This includes all fees, registrations, certifications, examinations, course materials and publications).

*If you have multiple delegates then Q1TUM’s in-house training option could save you money. For more information please get in touch for a full quote.

Are there any prerequisites to taking this course?

No, there are no prerequisites to taking this course.

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