

CDM Awareness 2015

With the recent changes in the in the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015,  everyone involved in Construction needs to be aware of the changes and how they impact on their role. This one day course will provide an overview of the legal duties under current legislation for organisations and individuals involved in all types of construction work.

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Please view our course FAQ's below for additional information. If you have any other queries regarding this or any other course, please feel free to get in touch and we will endeavour to answer your questions as soon as possible.

Course Overview

The course will cover the following topics:

  • Current Health and Safety Legislation applicable to Construction Work;
  • Principle requirements of the CDM Regulations.
  • The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (General duties, duties of designers, suppliers, enforcement of legislation).
  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, (Risk Assessment, co-operation and co-ordinating, capabilities and training).
  • CDM Regulations explained.
  • The scope and requirements of the regulations and their relationship with Building Regulations.
  • Duties of the Client and their responsibilities.
  • Understanding Notification Requirements of projects.
  • Appointment of the Principal Designer and their duties.
  • Appointment of the Principal Contractor and their duties.
  • An Explanation of the Pre-Construction Information.
  • The Safety Plan (CPHSP) requirements on Principal Contractors and their responsibility towards it.
  • Understanding of the contents of the Health and Safety File.

Who should attend?

Managers or others involved in appointing Contractors to carry out construction work for them. Contractors, Site Workers, Designers and anyone involved in construction projects. No prior CDM knowledge required.

How long is the course?

This course is 1 day(s).

Where does the course take place?

On-site (UK-wide).

What are the course dates?

We tailor the dates to suit your requirements. Please get in touch and we can help further.

How much does the course cost?

This course costs £650.00 +VAT.

What are the maximum amount of delegates for this course?

This course is suitable for a maximum of 12 delegates.

Ask us about this course or request more information

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